
Articles adult braces

How can we help?

Orthodontics and Adult Braces

Orthodontics is increasingly popular with adults for a variety of reasons - more of us are realising how important a good smile is. Simple things like feeling ashamed of crooked front teeth can lead to a lifetime of photo albums consisting of covered mouths or smile-less shots. Many people who have experienced this feeling long for the day when they can flash a big, white, straight smile at the camera. Orthodontics makes that happen. British patients are fast catching up with their American counterparts, where teeth are seen as crucial in how attractive we are. Big, white, beautiful teeth are not things we are born with - orthodontics help make that happen.


Clear Braces – What you See in the Mirror

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but research shows that others see us as 20% more attractive than we see ourselves. This could be a good thing - if we can believe that we are never as bad as we feel we look! But the reality is, how we feel about ourselves often impacts on how we look. If you have to wear big, metal braces, it can be difficult to psychologically get beyond the self consciousness those braces cause - clear braces offer a much less painful alternative.


Clear Braces – Child’s Play

Clear braces can help thousands of people who feel too self conscious about wearing braces - so much so that they even avoid visiting their dentist or orthodontist. There are plenty of case studies involving adults who have spent years hiding their smile, feeling ashamed of their teeth or just not 100% happy because they were too self conscious to wear braces as a child or teenager. And it's not surprising that teens and children felt so embarrassed by the old-style, chunky metal braces known as 'rail tracks'. New devices, such as clear braces are the new tools of today's orthodontists.


Invisalign – Restore your Confidence

Wearing braces can seriously damage a person's self-confidence, whether they're a teenager or an adult. Knowing that people might be looking more at the metal in your mouth than at you can affect your self-image, and make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. Thankfully, a new orthodontic product can put an end to the embarrassment of wearing braces, and any stigma attached to it. Invisalign is a revolutionary set of clear plastic aligners that will give you a fabulous new smile, without anyone knowing you're receiving treatment.


Invisalign – The End for Metal Braces

Ugly metal braces have been the bane of people all around the world, but now it looks like their time could be up. A new trend in orthodontics is gaining popularity in the form of clear aligners that offer users the chance to improve their smile in secret. Unlike metal braces, which you simply can't miss, Invisalign are practically invisible, and can be removed for functional activities like eating. If you can't bear the thought of having your life and your self-confidence hindered by metal braces, then join the clear revolution with Invisalign.



6 ways to get your perfect smile


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