Articles Why You Need Pure Power Protection
Many of us enjoy burning off energy and letting off steam at the gym, in the ring or on muddy pitches and there’s nothing like that winning feeling. If you participate in sport on a regular basis, we strongly recommend investing in a custom-made mouth guard. Mouth guards protect the teeth and help to reduce risk of dental injuries, which means that you can enjoy the game and give it your full attention, rather than worrying about losing a tooth or needing urgent dental attention.
At Harley Street Dental Studio, we are delighted to offer the Pure Power Mouth Guard, a gum shield that goes above and beyond to bring you unrivalled protection as well enhance your sporting performance. This advanced mouth guard is custom-designed to alter the position of your jaw to facilitate more efficient and effective muscle contraction and reduce tension and muscular pain.
What exactly is the Pure Power Mouth Guard?
The Pure Power Mouth Guard is an incredibly innovative mouth guard, which is designed to adjust the position of the jaw in addition to offering protection against potential hazards, including impact caused by hard objects, surfaces and opponents. Each mouth guard is made using detailed information about the patient and it works to enhance performance by automatically placing the jaw in the optimum position. This reduces tension around the muscles, contributes to better muscle contraction and also decreases the risk of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), which is a common condition that causes symptoms including clicking and popping noises, stiffness in the jaw, headaches and shoulder and neck pain.
Is the Pure Power Mouth Guard for me?
If you play sports that carry a risk of injury, the Pure Power Mouth Guard could be beneficial for you. Although this is a very advanced appliance, you don’t need to a professional athlete to use it and it is suitable for all abilities. We recommend the PPM for anyone who participates in contact and team sports, such as rugby and hockey and martial arts and fighting sports, such as boxing and wrestling.
6 ways to get your perfect smile
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