
Articles metal braces

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Clear Braces – Ten Years Younger

The proliferation of beauty programmes that transform ugly ducklings into overnight swans is probably one of the reasons why more of us are turning to orthodontics and clear braces. Fixing our teeth through cosmetic dentistry, from using clear braces to straighten crooked teeth to fixing veneers is one of the fastest growing industries in the beauty trade. Clear braces have transformed how adults approach getting treatment for crooked teeth as the horror of wearing clunky metal braces is now no longer a necessity, thanks to clear braces.


Clear Braces – Child’s Play

Clear braces can help thousands of people who feel too self conscious about wearing braces - so much so that they even avoid visiting their dentist or orthodontist. There are plenty of case studies involving adults who have spent years hiding their smile, feeling ashamed of their teeth or just not 100% happy because they were too self conscious to wear braces as a child or teenager. And it's not surprising that teens and children felt so embarrassed by the old-style, chunky metal braces known as 'rail tracks'. New devices, such as clear braces are the new tools of today's orthodontists.


Clear Braces – For Social Confidence

Clear braces are a Godsend for many people. The idea of wearing chunky, unsightly, metal braces to fix teeth you already feel self conscious about is a horrifying thought for many people. Unlike clear braces, metal braces immediately draw attention to your mouth and teeth, and for some, the idea of wearing metal braces is unthinkable. Clear braces however mean you don't have to feel so self conscious.


Invisalign – Secret Smiles

Braces are an essential element of orthodontic treatment for anyone suffering with an overcrowded mouth, wide gaps in their teeth, overbites, underbites, or crossbites. But wearing a metal brace has huge downsides for the wearer, no matter what their age. Children and teenagers can be bullied and teased for having a “metal mouth”, while adults can become acutely self-conscious about their appearance and turn down dates and speaking engagements. If you don't want your life ruined by braces, then a far better option is Invisalign, a system of clear plastic retainers that will give you a new improved smile - in secret!


Invisalign – The End for Metal Braces

Ugly metal braces have been the bane of people all around the world, but now it looks like their time could be up. A new trend in orthodontics is gaining popularity in the form of clear aligners that offer users the chance to improve their smile in secret. Unlike metal braces, which you simply can't miss, Invisalign are practically invisible, and can be removed for functional activities like eating. If you can't bear the thought of having your life and your self-confidence hindered by metal braces, then join the clear revolution with Invisalign.


Invisalign London – Capital Embraces New Teeth Technology

Invisalign London is helping residents of the capital to change the stereotype that the English have bad teeth with its high-tech system of clear plastic retainers. Instead of being the butt of bad jokes about crooked or gappy teeth, Londoners will now be able to hold their heads up high and dazzle with their smiles. Invisalign's London patients are enjoying the freedom of using the system, which offers a comfortable and convenient alternative to ugly, clunky metal braces. Here's how:



6 ways to get your perfect smile


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