Articles Types of Dental Aligners Available for Patients from London
If you still conjure up images of Ugly Betty-style train-tracks when you hear the word braces, the chances are that you are not aware that the world of orthodontics has evolved at a rapid pace and a whole new range of treatments are now available, including a number of aligner systems, which are both discreet and effective.
Aligners are designed to combat many of the problems faced by patients with fixed braces. They are a flexible, aesthetically pleasing alternative to conventional braces and have become very popular, especially with adult patients. There are various options, including:
Invisalign has taken London and the world of orthodontics by storm and has provided an amazing solution for patients who want a straighter, more attractive smile, without being lumbered with bulky, unsightly braces for months on end. Invisalign clear plastic aligners to move the teeth into position gradually. The aligners are worn for two weeks at a time and then you transfer to the next one, until treatment is complete. The aligners are advantageous because they are virtually invisible to everyone and are removable, which promotes good oral hygiene and enables patients to eat and drink normally.
Clearstep is an invisible brace system, which uses clear aligners to create a beautiful, straight smile. The aligners, like Invisalign aligners, are removable and almost invisible to others, meaning you can get the smile you want without anyone even knowing that you are having orthodontic treatment. Clearstep is suitable for patients of all ages and can be used to treat crowding, crooked teeth, gaps between the teeth and problems relating to the bite.
Simpli5 is a highly effective treatment for minor orthodontic problems and involves wearing a series of 5 aligners, with treatment usually completed within 10-20 weeks. The aligners are light, comfortable and very discreet and as they are removable you can take them out to eat, drink, clean your teeth and look your best at special occasions.
Clear aligners are very effective, especially if you are worried about the way you will look during the treatment process. Some aligner treatments are aimed at minor problems, while others can achieve greater movement. Your dentist will be able to advise you which system is best, based on your individual prescription.
6 ways to get your perfect smile
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