Articles Ways Of Achieving A Celebrity Smile For Patients In London
At some stage we have all seen a celebrity smile and been struck by the natural beauty of it. Whether it is Cheryl Cole, Will Smith, Jessica Alba or Matthew McConaughey, here at Harley Street Dental Studio in the city of London, we can help create a celebrity smile that doesn’t require a celebrity lifestyle. Another plus is that taking home a celebrity smile from us won’t cause the problems that taking your favourite star home to meet your better half would.
Reshape with Invisalign
Made of a super thin transparent plastic, Invisalign is a discreet way to reposition teeth or reshape a smile. Using a 2 weekly bespoke aligner moves teeth gently and quickly, faster than a traditional brace and with the added bonus of being transparent. The smile can actually be seen to take the new shape without being able to see the brace. Because Invisalign is removable, it is easy to keep on top of oral hygiene and eat, and due to the thin structure, Invisalign causes no discomfort or disruption allowing natural speech and bit function.
Enlighten That Smile
Whilst the shapes of celebrity smiles are varied, the colour certainly aren’t. Don’t worry, generally nature didn’t produce that celebrity white. Most celebrities have treatments that anybody can enjoy at Harley Street Dental Studio such as Enlighten. Tooth stains can be removed over a course of treatments that end with a whiteness that most celebrities would be very happy with.
Change That Smile With Porcelain Veneers
For patients with damaged, stained, crooked or twisted teeth, we also offer porcelain veneers. Damaged or stained teeth can be immediately protected and transformed by bonding a colour matched tooth mask that looks exactly like a natural, healthy tooth. We use only the highest grade in porcelain veneers which means new white veneers will stay white and are largely resistant to stains.
6 ways to get your perfect smile
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