Articles Transform your smile for good with dental veneers!
Looking for a way to achieve a long lasting, drop dead gorgeous smile with little hassle? Then read on to see if dental veneers fit your purpose in life!
What are veneers?
Dental veneers are wafer-thin laminates placed over the front of the teeth for a straight white smile. Translucent, smooth and beautiful to look at, they are the dental equivalent of false fingernails and infinitely subtler.
Why choose dental veneers?
Having dental veneers fitted to your teeth is a cosmetic procedure to help improve your smile and boost your confidence. People who choose to have veneers fitted may have the following problems with their teeth:
- Chipped or damaged teeth. Sometimes we may accidentally damage our teeth from falling over or biting into a hard surface. In this case, dental veneers will smooth over the damage to give the appearance of undisturbed uniformity.
- Stained teeth. Just as the face ages, so do the teeth. Over time our teeth naturally darken, and stain-causing foods and drink such as red wine and coffee add to the effect. Veneers will restore the whiteness of your teeth.
- Crooked teeth. If your teeth are crooked, jagged or uneven, dental veneers will iron over the imperfections to create the impression of super straight clarity.
- Gaps. Dental veneers can bridge the gaps between the teeth to improve your smile power.
Porcelain and composite veneers
The two types of veneers most widely used are porcelain and composite veneers although cosmetic dentists tend to favour porcelain veneers as they are stronger, longer lasting and more translucent and natural in appearance. However they are more prone to staining so it is vital you maintain good oral health in the meantime!
How do I start treatment?
Step 1: First of all, you need to find a good cosmetic dentist with an established reputation and book a consultation. Your cosmetic dentist will start by thoroughly examining your teeth to check your suitability and explain the process to you in detail. Once you are happy that treatment is for you, your cosmetic dentist will begin treatment.
Step 2: Your dentist will inject your gums with a local anaesthetic and carefully shave away the surface of your teeth to accommodate the veneers. Your cosmetic dentist will then take a mould of your teeth to create veneers that correspond perfectly with the shaved surface. This will take up to 2-3 weeks. In the meantime, your cosmetic dentist may give you temporary veneers.
Step 3: Fitting the veneers. Once your veneers are ready, your cosmetic dentist will cement them to the surface of your teeth using a special light to activate the dental compound. Your teeth will then be thoroughly cleaned to remove any excess cement and leave you with a beautifully enhanced, natural looking smile.
How long will my veneers last?
Good porcelain veneers fitted by your cosmetic dentist will last between 5-10 years provided you maintain good levels of oral health (brushing and flossing twice a day) and visit your dentist every six months.
What if I lose my veneers or they fall out?
In the unlikely event your veneers fall out, keep hold of the veneer and contact your dentist immediately.
Other types of dental veneers on the market
Lumineers and da Vinci Veneers are high profile, super thin veneers that fit straight over the surface of the teeth. These veneers are used for instant smile makeovers and can be very costly.
6 ways to get your perfect smile
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