Articles Tooth Whitening – The Secret of the ‘X’ Factor
When it comes to the X Factor it isn’t just a good voice, good moves and talent – tooth whitening is key to success.
Tooth whitening could be crucial to achieving the X Factor. Reports in the tabloid press suggest that X Factor judge believes teeth can make or break a potential pop star. Yellowing, ugly teeth are it seems a definite no-no if you want to make it big in show biz. In fact, the Daily Mail recently reported how Simon Cowell told the recent X Factor finalists to get tooth whitening treatments. The fact that Cowell himself is known for his dazzling smile may have something to do with his comments, but Cowell, who has made it big in America, knows how crucial a Hollywood smile is. A confident, beautiful white smile is as necessary to success in the music industry as the music itself.
Tooth Whitening – The Secret to Success
Tooth whitening and Simon Cowell go hand-in-hand; his whiter-than-white grin is as much a part of his TV image as his high-waisted trousers and cutting remarks. It’s thought Cowell has spent thousands of pounds on his teeth to get them looking so perfect, including tooth whitening procedures. And tooth whitening is now seen as a crucial element to any make-over – it’s a regular treatment on TV shows, such as Ten Years Younger. Cowell did the same with some of his acts last year, packing them off for tooth whitening procedures including laser treatments.
Tooth Whitening for the X Factor
Tooth whitening is just one of the factors that help contestants achieve the X Factor. Hair, make-up and dress sense also miraculously transform as contestants reach the finals. But bad teeth really can make or break your career. Research shows that in day to day life, appearances count – and confident white smiles as a result of tooth whitening can have a positive impact on your career and personal life. And the story of a previous X Factor reject who transformed her teeth with cosmetic procedures including tooth whitening seems to back up Cowell’s commitment to top teeth. Katie Booth was just 25 when she was accepted to go through to compete for the X Factor finals. But her dreams were dashed as soon as Cowell saw her teeth – that were so bad, they gave her a lisp.
A Winning Smile
After showing off £10,000 worth of dental treatment, Katie now has a winning smile and plans to return to the X Factor to compete again. She blames her poor teeth for ruining her dreams of stardom, but with the right dental treatments and tooth whitening procedures, she now feels ready, and determined, to win.
Are you looking for tooth whitening? Speak to the Harley Street Dental Studio
At the Harley Street Dental Studio in Central London, renowned dentist Dr Mark Hughes and his team of highly trained clinicians offer outstanding care and attention to their patients. Favoured by celebrities of the sporting and entertainment worlds, the clinic offers treatments including dental veneers, tooth whitening, porcelain crowns, amalgam-free fillings and clear braces It offers the very latest dental products such as Enlighten™, MACVENEERS™, Invisalign@, DaVinci Veneers™, and ZOOM!@ Whitening. With luxurious surroundings and a technically advanced clinic, the Harley Street Dental Studio will help reinvent and rejuvenate your smile with style. To discuss your dental needs or make an appointment, contact the studio on 020 7636 5981 or fill out the online contact form.

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