Articles Tooth Whitening – Beat the Battle against Stains
Tooth whitening is the best way to combat unsightly stains caused by tea, red wine and cigarettes.
Bright white smiles are becoming increasingly popular in the UK as the trend for Hollywood fashions makes it across the Atlantic. No longer happy to settle for yellow teeth, we want to look as good as our favourite celebrities, whose gleaming mouths help them look younger and more attractive. Tooth whitening is the treatment that everyone’s talking about – with some brands you can pop into the dentist in your lunch break and emerge with a smile as dazzling as any A-list star. Ugly yellow stains can be a thing of the past with tooth whitening – and here’s how.
Tooth Whitening – The Causes of Stained Teeth
There are many reasons why your teeth may end up looking stained and yellow instead of pearly white. Those daily habits that we think are harmless can actually contribute to a build-up of discolouration, to the point that only a tooth whitening treatment can restore them to their former glory. Smoking is one of the worst culprits, leaving teeth an ugly yellow colour with deep staining that is difficult to remove without professional treatment. Red wine, tea and coffee also do a lot of damage to your tooth enamel, leaving normal tooth whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes ineffective. Teeth can also become stained over time, even if your dental hygiene routine is excellent. One day we simply have to accept that if we want celebrity-style teeth, then tooth whitening from a professional dentist is the only treatment that can help.
Tooth Whitening – How it Works
There are many different forms of tooth whitening products, from simple whitening toothpastes that can help with very mild staining, to the ultimate tooth whitening treatments available from dental clinics. The latter is the safest, quickest and most effective way of getting your teeth to gleam. Some of the latest brands of tooth whitening treatment, such as ZOOM! and Enlighten™, can transform your teeth in the space of a lunchtime. Simply book a consultation with your dental clinic, decide which product will work best for you, then book an hour for the tooth whitening session. Your teeth will be coated with layers of the whitening product, and the process speeded up with the help of UV lighting. Some systems require you to continue the treatment at home with dental trays of the product that you wear over your teeth for a recommended period of time.
Tooth Whitening – DIY Dangers
However tempting it is to go for a cheaper option and buy a DIY tooth whitening kit to use at home, you should avoid this method at all costs. Only a professional dentist will be able to treat your teeth without causing them any damage, and some people who have used home kits have had to spend a lot more money having their teeth repaired by a dentist. The safest bet is to simply book a tooth whitening consultation with an expert.
Are you looking for tooth whitening? Speak to the Harley Street Dental Studio
At the Harley Street Dental Studio in Central London, cosmetic dentist Dr Mark Hughes and his team of highly trained clinicians offer outstanding care and attention to their patients. Favoured by celebrities of the sporting and entertainment worlds, the clinic offers treatments including dental veneers, tooth whitening, porcelain crowns, amalgam-free fillings and clear braces. It offers the very latest dental products such as Enlighten™, MACVENEERS™, Invisalign@, DaVinci Veneers™, and ZOOM!@ Whitening. With luxurious surroundings and a technically advanced clinic, the Harley Street Dental Studio will help reinvent and rejuvenate your smile with style. To discuss your dental needs or make an appointment, contact the studio on 020 7636 5981 or fill out the online contact form.

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