Articles Teeth Whitening for a bright looking smile
Teeth whitening can aid in removing discoloration and stains on the teeth and is the perfect solution for those of you who want are embarrassed or apprehensive about showing off your smile due to yellow stained teeth. Many London dentists offer treatments for teeth whitening such as a scale and polish at the dentist which can aid in removing stains and discoloration from the teeth. Many cosmetic dental practices offer a combination of teeth whitening cosmetic treatments or professional tooth whitening kits which you could take home and use to improve the appearance of your teeth.
How can I protect my teeth from discolouration?
Following a healthy balanced diet and cutting down on drinks containing caffeine such as coffee or tea can significantly improve the colour of your teeth as certain drinks can stain the teeth. Fizzy acidic drinks should also be avoided and sugary foods may cause dental decay which will add to further marks on your teeth. With the help of regular brushing and flossing you can aid in protecting your teeth against discoloration and staining.
How much whiter will my teeth become after teeth whitening?
The amount of discoloration and stains that can be lifted on the teeth depends on the type of teeth whitening treatment you have. If you have a teeth bleaching treatment by a professional cosmetic dentist you may find that you can successfully remove staining and discoloration on your teeth effectively in comparison to a home teeth whitening kit which may be less effective.
A brighter smile
The goal of teeth whitening is to brighten your smile by sharpening the clarity of the teeth until they appear whiter than they have for a long time. With this procedure the changes to your smile can often give the illusion of reversing the aging process, as much discolouration is provoked by aging or inadequate oral hygiene over time. Your smile will also appear cleaner, as yellow or brown hues have unfortunately grimy connotations.
Greater confidence
Seeking a dazzling smile via teeth whitening can successfully boost your confidence, helping to improve both the social and business areas of your life. Many people talk to their dentist about this cosmetic improvement when they feel unsatisfied or despondent about the negative consequences of their stained smile. Discolouration regularly leads to people limiting their public smiling due to embarrassment. This can be damaging to yourself and potentially to other elements of your lifestyle.
Erase embarrassment
Teeth whitening often acts as an eraser for some people’s past indiscretions. For instance, consistently drinking too much wine or smoking tobacco can both result in stains on your teeth. These will be undesirable if you wish to quit those habits, and an unwelcome reminder if you have already done so. Whitening helps you to move on and not to worry what other people are seeing.
Looking for cosmetic dentistry? Talk to Harley Street Dental Studio
The Harley Street Dental Studio has a vast range of services including an oral cancer check-up examination. For more information on any aspect of cosmetic dentistry contact us on 020 7636 5981.
6 ways to get your perfect smile
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