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Meet the team Dr Niall Lundy

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About Dr Niall Lundy

Dr Dr Niall Lundy biography
Dr Niall Lundy - Dr Niall Lundy banner 1

Niall graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from The University of Liverpool and has worked in general practice ever since.

Shortly after graduating he passed his examinations achieved membership of the faculties of dental surgeons (MFDS) with the Royal College of Surgeons England.

He has continually tried to further his knowledge by attending postgraduate courses in his spare time, including a year long certificate in Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry. He has also competed courses in Oral Surgery, Facial Aesthetics, and minimally invasive dentistry.

With a keen interest in restoring broken down or worn teeth, combined with his previous training this has led him to begin a 4-year programme in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics at the prestigious University College London, Eastman Dental Institute, with the aim to specialise in this area.

Niall likes to take the time to build a relationship with his patients and work together to provide high quality, predictable dentistry.

In his spare evenings or on weekends, you will find Niall playing or watching football, on the golf course or on a jog around London.

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