Articles Pure Power Mouth Guard
Did you know Harley Street can provide Sport protection for your teeth?
At Harley Street Dental Studio, we don’t just use our expertise to create beautiful smiles. We also strive to prevent dental issues and keep our patient’s smiles as safe and healthy as possible. We are proud to provide services like sport protection. If you play...
Why You Need Pure Power Protection
Many of us enjoy burning off energy and letting off steam at the gym, in the ring or on muddy pitches and there’s nothing like that winning feeling. If you participate in sport on a regular basis, we strongly recommend investing in a custom-made mouth guard. Mouth...
Don’t Let A Rugby Tackle Injure Your Teeth
If you play contact sports such as boxing, rugby, or martial arts, chances are your teeth are at risk of injury. If you do not guard your teeth and have an accident or injury it may cost you time and money, as well as pain to get your teeth fixed. Prevention is the key...
The Importance Of Protecting Your Teeth During Contact Sports In Central London
There’s a chill in the air, the ground is firm and thousands of people are stepping out onto rugby, hockey and football pitches to let off steam, take on another team or simply enjoy a kick about. The benefits of playing sport and keeping fit are plentiful, but...
Preventative Measures For Sports Lovers In The City Of London
Many of us love playing sport and exercising on a regular basis has myriad health benefits. We want you to enjoy participating in sporting activities and return home afterwards feeling fit and energized; this is why we recommend the Pure Power Mouth Guard. Although...
How Are Our Makkar Mouth Guards Different To Others In The City Of London?
If you play contact sport or you participate in martial arts or any sporting activity, which carries a risk of dental injury, we strongly recommend wearing a mouth guard. We are proud to offer our clients one of the world’s leading mouth guards, the Pure Power Mouth...

6 ways to get your perfect smile
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