Articles Implants for Greater Security
Finding out that you have to have dentures fitted brings all kinds of questions to mind; will they be noticeable? Can I still eat all my favourite foods? Will the dentures move around in my mouth? It’s understandable to be worried about all these things and more, especially if you are having dentures fitted to the lower jaw which usually results in more slippage and movement, making eating and speaking difficult and sometimes embarrassing. But with modern advances in dental technology there is a system that provides much more security and comfort for denture wearers.
Straumann Implant system
The Straumann Implant System is one such new method of fitting dentures. Rather than just being fitted into the mouth, or fixed in place with adhesive, using this system dentures are fixed onto titanium implants attached to the jawbone that replace the natural root of the missing tooth. It may sound a bit futuristic, but evidence has shown that the body readily accepts titanium and the metal is used frequently in repairing broken bones with no side effects. The system can be used to attach both dentures and crowns and is fitted in just one session with no further surgery required, unlike in some other implant systems.
Dental implant procedure
Fitting the implants is a simple procedure that will be carried out by a specialist prosthodontic expert. Only local anaesthetic is required while the titanium implants are being attached to the jawbone and the recovery period can be as little as six weeks. Once everything has healed up nicely, and the titanium “roots” have successfully fused with your own jawbone, then the dentures or crowns can be attached to the part of the titanium implant still visible. During the healing period, you will, of course, be provided with temporary dentures.
Often patients wanting this type of system in their mouth have to visit an oral surgeon to have the implants fitted before returning to their own dentist to get the crowns or dentures attached. These days many of the top, modern dental surgeries, like Harley Street Dental, can carry out all the steps of the treatment under one roof, making it much more convenient that travelling to different surgeries. Harley Street Dental has their own team of surgical professionals as well as an experienced prosthodontic specialist to fit the implants and dentures, all working in the same surgery in London. Not only is the treatment convenient, but it also has high approval from those who have had it done. Physiologically, these implants feel more like real teeth than removable dentures. After all, you won’t take out these dentures to clean them once they are attached, but will clean them with special toothpaste while they remain in your mouth.
Success rate
The success rate of the Straumann system has proven to be very high, and the implants still have a 95% success rate ten years after the fitting. Millions of these implants have already been fitted around the world, giving millions of people confidence in their smile even if they have to wear dentures or have crowns fitted. Unless you are unlucky, your implants should last your whole life and evidence has even shown that they can help preserve bone and gum tissue that is usually damaged by more conventional treatments. The dentures and crowns themselves will be made to blend as naturally as possible with your own teeth so no-one would be able to notice you are wearing dentures. Especially when you are still able to eat all the foods you enjoyed before having them fitted!
Looking for cosmetic dentistry? Talk to Harley Street Dental Studio
The Harley Street Dental Studio has a vast range of services to enhance your smile. For more information on any aspect of cosmetic dentistry contact us on 020 7636 5981.

6 ways to get your perfect smile
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