Articles Have to snack? Have some gum!
Let’s face it. A gross majority of us are forced to have working lunches nearly every day of the week. Whether we like it or not, with an unstable economic climate, an ever-increasing workload and fewer and fewer people to get the job done, it falls to us and we have to cut corners. Going out for lunch is one of the corners most of us cut.
Now, dentists are warning that rushed lunches could lead to improper dental hygiene since, when we eat on the go, or at our desks, we don’t have the time or the resources to clean our teeth after eating. Yet, this is no reason to ignore the plaque building in between our choppers.
Adrian Toomey, a marketing manager, and experienced in the snacking culture, says this is a custom that is on the increase, with our diet evolving to one of small meals during the day. But, with such change, he claims we need to ensure our oral health care evolves accordingly.
So, although whipping out a toothbrush and tube of toothpaste isn’t practical and since flossing mid-meeting would be considered rude and disgusting, the chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter, suggests we get into the habit of chewing sugar free gum following meals.
Chewing sugar free gum will stimulate the production of saliva, which in turn, helps to neutralise plaque acids that may lead to tooth decay.
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